Thursday, September 17, 2009

October is Family Portrait month

This October when you get your Family Pictures taken
 (for your Christmas cards.... remember that's coming up)
at RedFeather Photography, you take part in Operation Smile, a 45 minute surgery that will CHANGE a childs life, forever!

read what Kate has to say about Operation Smile and how you can help, while she helps you!  CLICK HERE

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

United We Stand

I received an email from a friend yesterday, it was a FW: which I usually give little attention to, but it caught my attention it was titled 9/11/09 Day of Fasting and Prayer
it said:

During the Revolutionary War, Congress appointed a Day of Fasting & Prayer to call upon God, and plead for His Providential aid. The fasting and prayers of three million Americans were answered as the power of God enabled them to win battles they otherwise shouldn’t have won and gave them strength to defeat their enemy.

Today, we too are in need of miracles for this great nation. We invite you to join us as we call upon God again through Fasting & Prayer on September 11, 2009,

to help us secure and preserve our

Faith * Family * Freedom

and for guidance to know what WE can do to protect our Nation and its inspired Constitution.

Please join us.


I don't know who started this idea circulating, but I do believe we as Americans need to plead with the Lord to help guide us and be with us. Will you please join me in fasting and prayer on Friday?
God Bless America, our home sweet home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

in my spare time

I've come up with a new little something to keep me busy... because why wouldn't I? I'm pulling my hair out at work and home with more to do than I can or want to. ALL I want to do is create! day and night! In fact I've come up with SO many creations people are getting sick of receiving my "gifts" (sorry makayla, I know you hate your new dress... better luck next time!)
so what to do with all my projects?? open an etsy shop.... duh?! I learned from the one thing I've managed to put in the shop that creating is sooooo much funner than listing stuff online! Back to the sewing machine! Check out my Mary Poppins Presents blog here!