Sunday, June 15, 2008

party like a (cheap) rockstar

First off I would like to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to my wonderful father and to my amazing husband and to all the fathers reading this! I hope you all have a relaxing day and feel as appreciated as you are!

I love you Dad and Dave!!!

this has been a pretty horrible week. it started at the OBGYN office taking the 3 hour diabetes test which involves drinking this stuff that is straight syrup on an empty stomach and then over the next 3 hours you get your blood drawn 4 times if you aren't rushed to the bathroom or the emergency room. ICK! lets just say i'm here to write about it, so i survived.

i am also now fessing up to the fact that i've been in and out of a pretty foul depression for several months now which has taken a lot out of my normal abilities. talking on the phone or having personal conversations takes more out of me than i can put into words. i am sorry to those of you i've been a lousy friend to, i hope that soon i can go back to the person that is useful and not a drain.

did i mention the contractions? i'm not the only one, my sister who is pregnant too is suffering from these "false" (Braxton Hicks) contractions and they are sure miserable! and boy is this kid active, he kicks like crazy all the time.

anyway enough whining, you've probably quit reading by now anyway.

so when i got home from work last night we decided to use our Cheesecake Factory gift cards we got for Christmas from Carolyne and Charlotte. i was so tired i couldn't deal with our princess "in" the actual restaurant so i opted for the patio. she was horrible, the food was good, and there was live music to drown everything out.

the band was sixty degrees north, and they were great! we walked over to the amphitheater where they were playing, and sat in the front in the grass. the band played everything from the Bee-Gees to Santana and Jocie was drawn like a fly to the stage.

There were already kids from the audience on stage playing tambourines and a handful of toddlers who just danced and worked them selves up and down the stairs. the princess was in HEAVEN!

(in the green dress, "I'm with the band")

my proudest moment was my almost 3 year old rocking out on stage and throwing me and Dave and I LOVE YOU sign!
it was so much fun, and i just enjoyed watching her be as loud and crazy as she wanted and not having to correct her or quiet her, just watching her be her. I love you crazy princess!


the princess said...

sorry to hear you've been blue. all pregnancies are so different, aren't they? that diatetes test is horrible. yuck!

glad your princess was able to be as noisy as you please. it's so nice when you can be out with them and actually enjoy something at the same time. dining out can be such a challenge.

WendyB said...

I've been wondering where you were. So sorry you've been feeling lousy. ((hug))

Sarah said...

hang in there girl! cheesecake factory can cure any ailment. :D I truly do miss all your snarky posts, it helps me with my depression :D)

Janie said...

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.
- Charles M. Schulz
I have so been there!! I have a vacation home in the "dumps".
And for the record I am having CRAZY braxton hicks too! they started earlier and stronger this time around. Its quite distracting.

Mom of 3 boys said...

I have missed reading your blogs..depression can go along with pregnancy....I hope you feel better soon. I remember the long glucose tolerance testing that they love to do while you are pregnant...YUCK for sure...I will keep you in my thoughts, hang in there.

Aprilyn said...

Sorry you're having trouble with depression and contractions. That's miserable stuff. Hang in there. You're nearly there!!!!

Seriously Alid... said...

Hey stranger... it has been WAY too long! Sorry you have been down and I haven't called! You little angel is beautiful and the baby's room is FABU! You are so talented!!! I love it! I will email you tomorrow! I miss you! =)