Monday, September 29, 2008

HOT date!

we kid swapped with the neighbors this weekend so everyone could get a date night, we got to go out Friday.

It was Macaroni Grill and then off to a movie... so we thought. after dinner we got in the car and when you should have heard a "vroom vroom" sound, there was silence....

after establishing, yes I did have jumper cables in the car - but no other car to hook them to we decided that since the battery had to be changed anyway we would hoof it over to Walmart. (thank goodness I brought the sling for the baby.... oh ya - and the baby)

the following is my documentary photos from my cell phone:

When I noticed that the battery he was holding was heavy I asked him if he wanted me to put it in the sling, he got a good laugh out of that. Thank goodness because after a long day of work my feet and back were killing me. Not killing me as much as our big night out ending at Walmart though!

self checkout - that's hot!

self installation - even hotter
(did I mention it's stinking hot here still at night? and I HATE bugs!)
note: baby wipes were helpful in cleaning off the "corrosion" and Dave's hands, see I was helpful besides taking pictures of him working.

between quoting movie lines, and coming up with ridiculous situations (we love to play the "what if" game - we are weirder than you think) we really had a good time. Besides at a movie we wouldn't have gotten any exercise, or been able to crack each other up the whole time!

My dearest Husband, thank you for a funky time (see I can quote stuff all day), till next weekend, lets try this again!
the end.


✩Molly✩ said...

Those kind of evenings happen to all of us. Your Cell phone takes great pictures! And your little man is SOOO cute! :) love it.

WendyB said...

The baby looks so adorable in his little sling!

Janie said...

I love random movie quotes, and botched dates that turn out great. And cute babies. Oh and macaroni grill...

Sarah said...

way better than a movie!!!