7 random things:
1. My dream lunch date would be with Madonna and Hilary Clinton. Together we could solve the problems of the world.
2. I hate justifying my actions to others.
3. I love to give gifts.
4. I can fit the word "poop" into any conversation or song.
5. Bananas are disgusting to me, I loath their existence.
6. I hate going to bed at night so I delay it and avoid it at all costs.
7. It is impossible for me to think small, only big.
and now I shall learn more about you ladies! happy Sunday.
UPDATE: mom of 3 tagged me before I could even notify her! so here goes 7 more
1. I have spent over $100 at the dollar store on MORe than one occasion.
2. I have a list of lies I tell myself every day and have them posted all over the house.
3. I fear I am loosing faith in mankind. I look at everything now as a trick or an urban legend.
4. I read Perez Hilton several times a day.
5. I listen to Howard Stern everyday.
6. Ok this is getting harder, I always have at LEAST 3 self help books in process of reading at a time.
7. I judge activities and situations on if they are "blogworthy"
ok, the second 7 is harder.
i'm tagging meg, rhonda, curt, the edwards family, kim, austin (cuz he's a blog poser), and molly gray.
I am like you in a way...I don't like going to bed at night...don't get me wrong..I like sleep..it is just hard to get to sleep...and when I do...morning gets here way to early...I don't like mornings...
I am like you in a way...I don't like going to bed at night...don't get me wrong..I like sleep..it is just hard to get to sleep...and when I do...morning gets here way to early...I don't like mornings...
Yeah..not sure how this posted 2 times....oh well..it has been a crazy week......sorry it posted 2 times...
those are EXACTLY my feelings on sleep. I couldn't have said it better myself!
My husband has a great quote on sleep for you guys....
Sleep, those little slices of death, how I loathe them.
I think that's how it goes. I'll have to check with him later. Right now I gotta get ready for church. I have choir practice in 25 min and I'm sitting here in my jammies.
but I do LOVE sleep, I just don't like to GO do it. there's one more think I need therapy for.
Okay, this should be fun! I think...
Hope you don't mind that I "borrowed" your tag.
oh please do, nothing I do is copywrited. besides I thought the internet is for sharing?
hey! thanks I feel really honored. but where are the questions? there are questions usually, or not? sorry for being so stupid *g*
I'm sorry but I don't do this, I want to beware my "mystic" side, haha.
but I would love to make an interview with you ;-)
I love Howard Stern and somehow I always manage to say poop at least several times a day. Your random things are the best ever and the whole race car bed pile up, totally blogworthy.
OH the 'poop' thing is funny. I once read on a blog that the one thing that would make this woman laugh and laugh, well you know, laugh until she 'peed' was the saying or hearing the of the word 'poop'- she said everyone does it! Yikes..it's frightening and a little on the funny side. Wish I could find her blog- I would send it to you!
Okay, I did my part! This feels kind of like a guilty pleasure. I'm not one of those MySpace survey peeps, but the sense of community within the blogosphere feels nice. Thanks for thinking of me, and happy Thanksgiving!
i will do this in my next post!
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