WARNING: due to the word "crap" (which is illegal in most my readers households) this post is rated PG-13 minus 5 - so basically only for the 8 and up crowd:
(fill in your derivative here, whatever floats your ... well you know),
wikipedia states: Crap is a slang word meaning excrement. The word is used to mean not only excrement, but anything of low quality, or as a negative interjection. Note that this word can be considered a curse word, yet is considered mild enough that even a child may use it informally but some still might consider it to be minor profanity.
When not used literally it also may connote that something is inaccurate, of little factual substance, a lie, hype, or quackery. The word is used nearly interchangeably with "the s word" as the less offensive of the two. Still, some people find the word crap offensive, even if not intended to mean feces, and will use the minced oath "crud" instead.
When not used literally it also may connote that something is inaccurate, of little factual substance, a lie, hype, or quackery. The word is used nearly interchangeably with "the s word" as the less offensive of the two. Still, some people find the word crap offensive, even if not intended to mean feces, and will use the minced oath "crud" instead.
today i made the statement "i feel like crap".
yes that's what this all stems from, also when i'm pregnant the act is nearly impossible -you start to see the irony.
so when you say "i feel like crap", does that mean:
you are squishy? stinky? hard to get out? free flowin? filled with corn? (sorry did i go too far?- i don't care because my 10 year old readers are snickering and think i'm cool)
or does "feeling like crap" mean the personal self esteem of said fecal matter. does crap not feel good about itself? does it think it lowly, or flushable?
if it is true that crap does have low self esteem i would like to go on record as being a fan. i mean i don't LIKE to change my kids diapers, but hey still, good job. i'm not gonna lie and say i haven't sent a picture message on my phone of a certain nephew who really impressed me with his abilities.
better out than in, isn't that what they say?
there is some poop to ponder on, and comment if you feel the vibe!
good luck to all my readers, that they may only feel like crap in the best sense of the word and always move regularly with the flow.
As I sit here avoiding changing Livy's Crap filled diaper and ignoring the fact that she is pulling a lot of crap off the computer desk I have to ponder how it is that you managed to do an entire post about crap... I mean I can do it but it takes actual crap filled situations but you, you manage to fill an entire post with what crap might emotionally feel. gifted, that is what you are. or at the least Full of crap!
i believe it is the later of the two.
Oh shizz! Do I have to watch my language around here from now on? I didn't know there were rules and regulations. Phunk!
Crap, it's too early to be up. I think it means "tired" - that's my vote.
Sometimes I think that the only reason people have kids is to get another 10 years out of all the poop and fart jokes they've accumulated.
LOL!!! Happy New Year Chicas, poop and all :-)
pistols, what the crap is your problem??? you reeeeek of jealousy about the 10 year credit! if you could get some kids you could do it too. i hear brit brit's kids aren't busy this week.
hey perfect - I am too feeling like crap or worse. I should have been in the back of an ambulance not brit - although i am on a known substance - Parasitic baby - it will all be better when its out this summer!!!!!!!!
What the hell good are kids if you can't milk the parenthood? Crap is a part of parenthood from poopy diapers to the CRAP they try to pull as teens. So I played the hell outta those Legos, taught them to think farts are funny and I kick them off Rock Band so I can play any time I want. Why? Because I SAID SO.
You use whatever power you have, right? Right?
CRAP is my most abused and overused word...
It is now tuesday and your last post was Friday. I am officially worried about you and I think you should be on 24hour watch.
I'm not sure what say, I hope you feel better! Is that wishful thinking for he next few months or so?
I agree with Megan. You okay?
Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? Are you still feeling poorly?
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