Wednesday, January 2, 2008

pig: memory eraser voodoo

what the heck, i totally don't remember this first trimester crap! i mean, i guess i know i did, but some how it was erased from my brain. this motherhood stuff is a lot like men in black (you do see the little floating alien to the right, right?)
every waking moment sucks. just plain sucks. it's like nausea and exhaustion have taken over my body and are just having the time of their lives. was it this bad before??? i know i took a bunch of different vitamins and something at night to help, as well as motion sickness wristbands (NOT HOT) which i wore (and now wearing) for the first three months.

i've heard countless women say that after the baby is born we just forget all the bad stuff. well that sounds like a load of crap, but i'm here to tell you it's true. Not 2 minutes after Jocie was born i was ready to get pregnant again on the spot and do it again.

WHAT? that's insane.

maybe it's like when you finish a marathon and getting past the finish line is just worth all the work to get there? or maybe it was the dozen or so people and the video camera looking at my used to be private parts telling me to push and what a good job i was doing that just went to my head. whatever the reason, how can you block out so much misery??

i don't know. it's like black magic, or voodoo, or just men in black brain erasers - whatever "it" is though "it" gets full credit for this world's population.

who would have more than one child if you did remember all the bad as much as the good?

i should wrap this up with a nice bow and a happy ending. ok, um... well, the dentist says i will probably get pregnancy gingivitis again. (sorry i got nothing, check back in march)


Mr. Poppins said...


I love you Mary Poppins!!!!!

WendyB said...

I've been in a bad mood lately but now I feel better because at least I'm not pregnant! Keep reminding me of the joys of my non-pregnancy. It's good for my morale.

paperback reader said...

Reason 5,842 I am soooo glad to be a dude.

Sarah said...

Hey, I am working my but off to get pregnant over here and these are not the words of encouragement I need to hear. Just the words of reality. I hope very soon I can blog about barfing and being tired. How twisted is that?

Curt said...

The audacity, Mr Poppins. This is all your fault.

I think you can always get what ever "it" is on eBay.

Being a dude is truly THE miracle of life-- sorry ladies.

All I know is that you may be interested in a little game called "the glad game" (even if your gingivitis comment shows that you're terrible at it).

Anonymous said...

I imagine it could be worse. You could feel like that during the act of getting pregnant. Did that help? No?

Anonymous said...

It would take too long to explain to you ALL of my thoughts here but in brief:
WE SERIOUSLY FORGET!! EVERYTHING!! I swore that I wouldn't forget how awful ALL DAY sickness was, the LONG pregnancy, the LABOR, etc. with Nayvi. Well, within two years I had forgotten it all! It was erased from my memory. I thought that there would be nothing better than to be able to get pregnant. After a year of trying, BOOM! It hit me again . . . like a ton of bricks! AuHhHh!
The good news? It DOES get better, then worse, but then BETTER again! I so wish that I could help you out. It sucks . . . I know. I will be thinking and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to reenact your story. I just meant to agree and inform you that we are all in that same boat of memory loss!

Mom of 3 boys said...

I had 2 sons and swore after each that I would never do it again...but the end result is worth the 9 months of feeling like s**t. And yes we as women do forget, but we only forget long enough to go and get pregnant is another fact...we as parents spend the first 2 years of a child's life teaching them to talk and wanting them to talk, but them spend the next 16 to 18 years telling them to shut up...just wait until the teenage years.....I don't know if that helped you or the end kids are worth it!!!!!

Andrea said...

All I can say is...Amen!

Megan said...

I am holding on to all my memories of pregnancy with a vice grip and abstinence.

Some Goofy Woman said...

The first thing that came out of my mouth when someone asked me about labor was: "Yeah, that was great. And I'm NAWT doing it again."