Monday, January 14, 2008

"Your Insurance Saved You: $637.89"

we had our first obgyn apt today. oh ya the whole fam was there, Dave and Jojo were there to cheer me on, even if i wasn't wearing pants. (by the way, Jocie has learned what boobies are and thoroughly enjoyed the breast exam. thanks kid, glad i can entertain.)

so the doctor who has been trying to help us get pregnant over the last two'ish years says "how are you doing". i just stared at him. i'm such a loser, "oh ya i'm finally pregnant and miserable every minute. now you are learning what my husband already knows, i don't know what i want but expect YOU to." OK well i didn't say that, but by the look on my face he read me like the sci-fi book that i am.

(picture angels singing in the background) "would you like me to prescribe something for the nausea?"

OH MY GOSH, it's like he actually knows what i do want.

he didn't argue with me either when i told him his due date was impossible and we were going with the one Dave and i figured out on the internet. (because as you know, it's a very credible source)

i just went to Walgreens to pick up this prescription that the doctor warned is expensive (with insurance $12 thank the Lord!): for the GENERIC and only 25 pills the retail price was $650.00 ..... is that insane to anyone else???

i don't know if it's psychosomatic or what, but i'm feeling a little less crappy as i write. it could just be the relief that we finally have insurance.



PS. we are scheduled for an ultrasound in 2 weeks to check the size (and quantity).


WendyB said...

Ooh, they can give you something for the nausea? See! All your problems are solved ;-)

Curt said...

Love the insurance!!!!

Andrea said...

That wouldn't be the pills they give to chemo patients to help them through the nausea would it? Poor baby...I mean mommy.

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

wendy: not quite, i still don't have bat heels or any of your jewelry.

curt: me dos

andrea: don't ask, don't tell, don't care!

Mariposa said...

Glad to hear you were able to save! ;) And I hope those pills did solve your nausea...

Some Goofy Woman said...

Blessed finnergan! Or whatever it's called! I'm glad you got something and it's having a placebic effect already. The blogosphere would be a much less funny place without you.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you'll feel 100% better soon. Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?

Aprilyn said...

I'm glad you got something for the nausea. I used to take the nausea pills and 1/2 a tablet of a sleeping pill (can't exactly remember the name of it now) but the combination really helped me sleep better at night.

Megan said...

Thank goodness it is official! (I am pretty sure I will be saying that for the whole 9 months including when baby clancy's head emerges cause I think it is the funniest thing I have ever heard!) Probably throwing up on her would have made it official too.
P.S. woo-hoo for insurance that rocks!

Sarah said...

Unisom worked wonders for me. I could not go a day without out it for the first four month. Then I started worring that my baby would come out sleeping. I stopped taking it after that.

Donna said...

I am curious as to when the OBGYN thinks the due date is...I hope the new med is working for you. I like your end note about the quantity. love ya, miss ya!

Mom of 3 boys said...

Hey...I hope the meds make you feel better. I want to know is it a boy or girl??????

Dusty said...