Wednesday, January 16, 2008

answers to your burning questions....

drugs are good! i have felt so much better since taking the new pills. yes, they are the anti-nausea pills for chemotherapy patients, which makes me feel like a total loser. but at least i'm a less nauseous loser!!

due date discrepancy: it really depends on how much info you want here... my last cycle was September 13 which would make my due date like June. the kicker, i wasn't pregnant until months later, i have the tests to prove it. so basically based on weeks of test results negative to positive we (the internet) figures the due date as August 21.

multiplicity aka. quantity: when we have an ultrasound in 2 weeks there will be very little information because it's still too early to see much. pretty much just size and quantity. why mention quantity? well i mention because Dave is a twin and my mom is a twin.

the sex: not yet, but yes we will find out.... I HATE SURPRISES!!!!

tonights post was not supposed to be about me, i have adorable pics of jojo. however.... i can't find that stupid usb cord yet.


WendyB said...

Glad to hear you are feeling less like hurling. Drugs are great.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Yeah, I'm excited with you to find out if your having a boy or a girl or both :)

Sarah said...

glad to hear your medication is working. do you want multiples? or is it just a possibility you have to face. that was one reason i was hesitant to take fertility medication. but hey, if it helps them get here. never mind the instant family.

Aprilyn said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Don't feel like a loser because you're taking the same meds a chemotherapy patient uses. My mom used to take those when she was in Chemo. I think whatever makes life bearable is worth it!

Mariposa said...

Glad to hear those pills work for you...

Donna said...

The baby Clancy widget has limbs cute!

paperback reader said...

Everyone always asks about girl or boy, but you should surprise them all and have a baby seal. Those things are adorable.

Mom of 3 boys said...

I am so glad you are feeling better...maybe you will have boy and one girl....just a thought....Aren't drugs amazing!!!

Megan said...

Yea, you are not sick!

Some Goofy Woman said...

Yay! You're feeling better!! That's what matters.

May you not have twins.
May you not have twins.
But if you do it'll be ok.
May you not have twins.

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

wb: yes they are!

suze: so much better! sweet boy, come on baby!

sarah: i'd just like to know to mark it off my list of "crazy things that could happen", like a meteor falling in our backyard and runining our landscape of dirt and dirt.

aprilyn: i know that was meant to help, yet somehow it made me feel like a bigger wuss.

mariposa: thanks doll!

donna: i know aren't they cute! they are like fin feet!

p@d: dang it! i hate when you come up with all the good ideas!

kim: scary and yes - praise drugs!

megan: hollaback ya'll

AD: i'm going to stencil that on our family room wall. thanks!

Aprilyn said...

You are totally not a wuss...I am!!! I'm whining about my ankle and hobbling around the house still. I'm the wimp when it comes to pain. I hope the drugs help you feel better.

Andrea said...

Hurray for the drugs that "fix"! So glad you're feeling better.

By the way, my birthday is Aug 22. It's a great month to have a birthday...Go Leo's!

The picture of your baby to the right is looking more and more human by the day.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I have to say I LOVE the picture of that baby. What a brilliant thing to put on a blog. We get to watch the miracle, day by day.

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

andrea and lynne: I know! when i first put it up it was NOT CUTE - i didn't know which end was which! but the limbs are growing and it is getting very real!