Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Purse week officially starts Sunday

let me just tell you I spent over an hour at the thrift store this afternoon working on "details" of purse week.

"THE THRIFT STORE??" you are asking -

those of you who know me, KNOW that there is only one purchase I have made that was full price (even my lovely daughter only cost a $10 copay!) and that was Coco (you will meet her during purse week). Although I LOVE FASHION there is no way we can all afford a Coach bag every time we get down (that is called foreshadowing).

I'm planning some fun for next week, so as well as what is fashionable - we will also be talking about finding deals and making something you love, as well as the UGLY side of designer handbags. . . . .

tata for now**


Megan said...

Can't wait. Hot purse you have there.

Megan said...

Did you find any capes at the thrift store.... seriously need capes all my pillowcases keep disappearing to be used for matt and tal to have capes and I never see them again

Kim said...

I have butterflies I'm so excited!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Curt said...


Curt said...

i'm having calf week at my blog. come on over to see my hot calves at a different angle each day...

Megan said...


Curt said...

do you realize... $10 more and that baby would be EXPENSIVE. Luckily it's under $4k. whew.